One Body Therapy




The Body Remembers

What is Amanae Therapy?

Is a heart - based therapy that facilitates the release of deeply held emotions and clears the way for profound healing and personal discovery. The technique is based on the activation and opening of points or ‘doorways’ throughout the body. These doorways are access points for the body’s deep wisdom. The process invites you to come into the points with your breath and awareness to discover and feel what is held there and allow the body to express these feelings.

What Happens During A Session?

You lay down on a massage table, with your body completely covered by a blanket all the time. Just the parts that are receiving treatment would be uncovered.

I start by focusing your attention on the chest or the upper back. After the heart centre is activated, other points or doorways along the body will receive attention.

We will both be consciously breathing and being present in the particular area of the body that is receiving the work.

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Physical and emotional sensations may be experienced. Experiences differ from person to person and also from session to session.

Breath and awareness invite us to experience places in the body that are new. These places where held emotions and beliefs may be blocking the flow of energy. In this way we say “YES” to them, we give them space, we listen.

When we listen, energies flow and leave of their own accord. The body itself releases whatever is not longer needed. After this happens, space is available for new energy and new understandings, enabling us to live life more fully centred in the body and from the heart.

What Happens After A Session?

After the session you may feel tired, energised, uplifted, calm or spaced out.

It is highly recommended that you drink lots of water to help the process as the energy keeps working.

It is highly recommended if possible to rest for a while to give the body time to process the work.

Could This Therapy Be Good For You?

This work is really effective for:

  • dealing with trauma, revealing and transforming patterns and belief systems.
  • working with abuse, co-dependency, stress, fear, anxiety, grief, depression, PTSD, guilt, shame.
  • supporting, understanding, grounding and integration of energies after spiritual experiences
  • assisting issues faced by neurodiverse people
  • anything you feel you're 'putting up with' or ' have being stuck with' for a while

The session could be a combination of Amanae, energy healing or massage.

Any of these two therapies can help the body to integrate and ground the work.

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HEART Body Based Self Regulation therapy works with the idea that the body always remembers even if the mind doesn’t. Muscles, bones, skin, cells carry unexpressed sadness, love, fear, grief, anger, shame, guilt, joy and a lot more of so much lived during this lifetime.

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